Ofsted and SIAMS
Temple Sowerby Church of England School was inspected in January 2023. Here is our full Ofsted report.
Our SIAMS church school inspection took place in July 2019. You can read the full report here.
Overall grading: Good
“Pupils enjoy a strong sense of community in this small and welcoming school."
"They treat each other with kindness, have caring relationships with staff and feel safe and happy."
"High expectations… pupils cooperate well, work hard in lessons and achieve well."
"Curriculum is broad and ambitious…pupils have access to a wide range of opportunities."
"Leaders are ambitious for pupils with SEND… leaders are adept at quickly identifying pupils’ needs."
"Pupils behave well in lessons and around school and treat each other with respect."
"Staff forge strong relationships with pupils. They know pupils and their families well."
To view more about the school from Ofsted, click here.
To go to Ofsted’s Parent View website, click on the image below.